Welcome to our mid-life...adventure.
Last year, I was nearing 40 and thinking, "Is this really it?" I was living my dream...a full-time mom with the two kids, the house nearly paid off, the two cars, the solid job and a nicely padded savings account. My husband was the CFO of an insurance company...a job with plenty of benefits, vacation time, and a corner office. What else did we need?
As it turns out, quite a bit. Our world was meticulously, completely planned. We knew what to expect every day and well into retirement. The rest of our life was mapped out and for some reason, getting just what we wanted wasn't exactly what we wanted. I felt restless, bored. Like I was living someone else's life instead of my own. I found myself daydreaming about selling our house, buying an RV, and traveling around the U.S. Or backpacking around Europe, but that would be hard to do with children.
As I shared my heart with my Nick, he brought up his dream of starting a goat dairy. He'd mentioned this before, but I'd dismissed the idea because I didn't think I was up for country living. Now, I felt differently. I actually desired the peace and quiet that comes with being away from town and in nature. We already had the land he'd purchased before we even met: 14 acres right outside of Pavo, GA. Presently, it was covered with pine trees to be harvested for lumber, but what if...?
We began to pray together about it, something we weren't in the habit of doing. We both felt the desire to move into the unknown, away from our tightly controlled world and towards something bigger than we were. As months passed and we continued to ask God what exactly He wanted for our lives, it became clear that this was it.
Stay tuned to see what happens next!